Sunday, November 9, 2008

Casinos Backers to Regroup; Try Again

Backers of Tuesday's failed casino referendum say they are gearing up for another try: This time they will propose several casinos around the state, including in Cleveland.

Rick Lertzman, co-founder of MyOhioNow, said he plans to soon begin the process to collect signatures for a petition to get a casino proposal on the ballot for November 2009.

"We have been talking to coalitions and groups in many parts of the state, including Clinton County, Cleveland, Toledo, Youngstown and Cincinnati, interested in joining the effort for casinos," he said. "We learned a lot from Tuesday night's loss, and we'll address it."

For the complete story, please see Michael Sangiacomo, Supporters of Ohio casino bid intend to begin again to place several casinos statewide, Plain Dealer, November 5, 2008.

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