Monday, November 10, 2008

Bingo Smoking Ban Update

From our insider at the Capitol:

"Both the House and Senate have set their agendas for the remainder of the year now that the elections are over. Both chambers met last week and will return next Wednesday and Thursday, November 12 th and 13th and then leave until December when they will return for two weeks to complete their “lame duck” session and end this term of the Legislature.

Legislation that is anticipated to be brought up for a vote includes the Detroit Public School first class status modification, creation of a non profit light rail system in and around Detroit, creation of an Aerotropolis in Wayne County, Smoking ban legislation, expansion of Cobo Hall and legislation that could be necessary for a potential Chrysler/GM merger.

The Senate wants a short lame duck session, while the House democrats will be energized by their gain of nine seats and the 46 senior members that are termed limited will want to spend the last days voting on their individual projects and following the House tradition of saying farewell."

In other words, the legislature may have their hands full with other business for the remainder of the year. This may indicate that it will be next year before a smoking ban is addressed again. However, in politics anything can happen.

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