Thursday, August 14, 2008

Buckeye State to Allow Casinos?

Democrat Richard Cordray leads Republican Mike Crites by almost 2-to-1 in the race for Ohio attorney general, a new poll shows.

But the biggest surprise in a Quinnipiac University survey released today was that a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow a casino for southwestern Ohio holds a 15-point lead - despite repeated hammerings of similar proposals by Buckeye State voters in recent years.

"It may well be that the dire economy and the pervasive pessimism about it in Ohio may be behind these numbers," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the university's polling institute.

The MyOhioNow campaign is pushing to build a casino near Wilmington, roughly halfway between Columbus and Cincinnati. Backers of what is touted as a $600 million resort submitted 763,000 signatures Aug. 5, nearly double the 402,275 needed to qualify for the Nov. 4 ballot. Elections officials currently are verifying the signatures.

Advocates say that 30 percent of gambling revenue would be divided among Ohio's 88 counties based on population. Supporters also say the facility would create 5,000 jobs with an average salary of $34,000 a year plus benefits, for an area recently ravaged by job losses.

Gambling opponents still are organizing their campaign; it is expected to feature a multicity tour of religious leaders next month.

For the complete story, please see Darrell Rowland Cordray, casino lead in survey, The Columbus Dispatch, August 13, 2008.

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