Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shipping Bingo Supplies to Canada Provides a Learning Experience

We admit it. We screwed up.

Rarily in the past two decades in the bingo business had we shipped bingo supplies to Canada. However, with an increase in our online marketing presence, we began shipping more bingo supplies to Canada over the last 30 days. People in Canada would call for us for a quote on shipping and we would provide the amount and ship them the bingo paper, bingo daubers, and/or other bingo supplies. Unfortunately, what we didn't realize was that these Canadien customers were getting charged with customs charges and duties upon delivery. One women was even charged $37.00 for a few packages of bingo chips!

So, what are we at Wholesale Bingo Supplies doing about this? Well, first, we're covering the extra costs ourselves by issuing checks to the handful of orders that were affected. Next, now that we know that taxes and duties are due, we can look up the cost of these within our UPS delivery system, and make sure our customers know about them before they receive their order.

While this will probably eliminate a lot of smaller bingo supply orders that we receive from Canada (who wants to pay $37.00 for bingo chips?), it will make our Canadien customers a lot more satisfied.

Looking back, it's something we probably should have realized, but everyone makes mistakes, and we feel this was a good lesson learned. If you need bingo supplies, be sure to visit Wholesale Bingo Supplies

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