Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bingos Watch Vote Closely

Bingos in the state will be watching the vote in Washington closely today. At stake is the possibility of more casino expansion. Below is an excerpt from the Detroit Free Press outlining the battle:

A fight over proposed American Indian casinos in Romulus and Port Huron may reach the floor of Congress this week, where two Michigan political heavyweights find themselves on opposite sides of the issue.

The proposals -- which could be on the floor as early as Wednesday -- have a fair shot at passing, despite loud objections from Detroit politicians who fear new casinos could cut into the take of the city's three gaming emporiums and undercut investments their owners have made.

Even if the House approves, however, the proposals face a big obstacle in the Senate -- Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who is said to be opposed to the legislation that has been simmering in Washington for at least six years.

For the full story, please see Todd Spangler, Legislators, tribes divided over casinos in state, Detroit Free Press, June 22, 2008.

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