Friday, March 21, 2008

Should Your Bingo Stay Open on a Holiday?

As I sit here at work on Good Friday, I thought about the many bingos that stay open even on the major holidays like Christmas, Easter, New Year's, and Thanksgiving. While you can argue whether or not it's worth it from a personal standpoint, I thought I'd discuss whether it's worth it from a bingo's financial standpoint. And, I think that depends on a few things.

On holidays, it's a given that overall bingo attendance in your area will be down. If every bingo remained open, you can be sure that every bingo would have less bingo players than normal and every bingo's profits would suffer. However, on these holidays, many competing bingos will close, so there can be opportunity.

If you're thinking about keeping your bingo open on a holiday, I'd look around at the bingo market in your area first. Will a number of your bingo competitors be open? Do any other area bingos have a history of successful holiday bingos that you'd be up against? If either of these answers is no, then I think your bingo could benefit from staying open for business. Often, there's enough fervent bingo players out there to generate a crowd in an uncompetitive field.

However, if many bingos remain open, your holiday bingo will be in trouble. Even if one bingo stays open, you may be facing an uphill battle if that bingo has an established history of holiday success. If either is the case, I'd strongly recommend you take it easy, stay at home, and enjoy the holiday. After all, is that so bad?

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