Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ohio Lottery Director Resigns

Ohio's lottery director resigned Tuesday from a rocky tenure serving in Gov. Ted Strickland's cabinet, as the state tries to expand the lottery to include video slot machines at horse racing tracks.

Dolan did not say why he's leaving in his resignation letter to Strickland, other than to say that he had thought about the direction of the lottery, including the new policy for slot machines.

"My reflection has led me to conclude that the best interests of the Lottery and the state, as well as my personal interests, would be best served by passing the Lottery 'baton' so that the next leg of the race can be completed freshly," Dolan said.

Dolan will continue to serve as lottery director until Strickland makes a new appointment.

Dolan's tenure included being cited in an Ohio Inspector general report for sending free lottery tickets to a state trooper who had pulled him over for driving without a front license plate and found that he wasn't wearing a seat belt. The trooper let him off with verbal warnings.

Dolan sent 100 instant tickets to the trooper. In response to the Inspector General report, Dolan said he regretted that his actions reflected poorly on the lottery but stopped short of saying he did anything wrong.

Dolan also appeared unprepared to answer questions during hearings held by Senate Republicans to evaluate Strickland's slots plan.

Additionally, there were questions about how Dolan dealt with state lawmakers who were evaluating lottery contracts.

For the complete story, please see Stephen Majors, State lotto chief says he's 'passing baton,' resigns, AP via FallsNewsPress.com, August 9, 2009.

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