Thursday, April 30, 2009

Forbes Ranks Michigan Cities Among the Worst for Jobs

Many of you may or not know that this blog and Wholesale Bingo Supplies are located in Jackson, Michigan. Therefore, we can tell you firsthand that Michigan has been hit extremely hard with a poor economy for a number of years now. Still, to have Jackson given the distinction of "Worst Small City" for jobs by Forbes magazine was surprising.

From Forbes:

"Given the failing auto industry, it's no surprise Jackson tops the list of worst small cities for jobs. Located in the South Central area of Michigan, the city's two largest employers are CMS Energy, Michigan's main electric and natural gas utility, and Michigan Automotive Compressor, which produces air conditioning compressors and magnetic clutches for cars. Between 2003 and 2008, jobs in the natural resources, mining and construction sector dropped almost 30%; those in manufacturing dropped 13.5%. Overall employment has declined 9.2% since 1997."

Jackson wasn't alone. Four other Michigan cities are ranked in the top ten.

For the complete story, please see Brad Flory, Jackson's job market earns city 'worst' distinction from Forbes magazine, Jackson Citizen Patriot, April 30, 2009.

1 comment:

americanbingo said...

All we need is Muskegon and bay city and that covers all of us.