Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No News on Proposed Smoking Ban in Bingos

Well, it's been awhile since we posted any kind of update on the proposed smoking ban in Michigan. As you might recall, both the Senate and the House passed versions of a smoking ban. The Senate's version exempted no one, while the House version exempts casinos and charity bingos. And, that's where the stalemate has occurred up to this moment.

At this time, there is nothing new to report. The stalemate continues. However, our sources are expecting this legislation to be back on everyone's mind this fall and if not before, definately after this November's election.

Check back here from time to time for the latest news.


bob said...

No news means that they're probably trying to sneak a ban behind c;losed doors before anyone knows. That's a common practice they use.

Wholesale Bingo Supplies Blog - Bingo Bob said...

Hey Bob,

Thanks for the comment. This has become a real political battle thats for sure. We do think there will be a lot of pressure applied on both sides once the election is over.