Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Smoking Ban in Michigan Makes News Again.

A study commissioned by the Campaign for Smokefree Air claims that a smoking ban in Michigan would not hurt bars and restaurants. What is not mentioned is the affect a smoking ban would have on charitable bingos. Also unclear is whether or not charitable bingos and/or casinos would remain exempt from any such ban.

We have mixed feelings about any proposed smoking ban. We understand the health consequences of smoking, but we also believe in a person's (and a business owner's) ability to make decisions for themselves and their business. So, we see both sides of the issue.

However, we hope that any ban that exempts casinos will also exempt non-profit charitable bingo games as well. Charitable bingo already faces many disadvantages when it comes to competing with casinos. If you add another hurdle by allowing casinos to have smoking while non-profit bingos are restricted, many charity bingos will suffer. This would mean many bingos would close, and many charities and veteran's groups that depend on them would lose needed funding.

It is our understanding that the Michigan Legislature is debating this issue as we speak. We can only hope that as they discuss this, they consider how their actions will affect numerous charities around the state.

For more information please see Chris Christoff Report: Smoking ban won't hurt economy Detroit Free Press, April 16, 2008.

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